From our farms to your kitchens and gardens
Freshness you can taste — that’s the goal at Pearl Valley Farms. Whether it’s our shelled and liquid egg products or microbe-rich aerobically composted fertilizers and soil enhancers, it’s all about our quality of life by growing and feeding our families delicious, nutritious food.

Shell Eggs
Exceptional taste and texture from happy, healthy hens

Aerobically composted for your best garden ever

Seed Mixes
Hearty growth and vibrant blooms

Soil Enhancers
Carefully sources organic materials to produce quality, pure and consistent results

Self-sustaining is self-assuring
Pearl Valley Farms is one of the most environmentally conscious egg farms in the country. Environmental stewardship is an important core value we live every day, which is why we work to achieve full-circle sustainability on our farm.