Pearl Valley Farms1 is committed to being the industry leader in animal care practices to assure respectful and humane treatment of animals and to analyze our operations and practices, including internal and independent third-party audits, to ensure continual improvement.
All Pearl Valley Farms operations involved with the production or processing live animals or animal by-products are required to provide:
- Comprehensive written animal care programs to ensure animal well-being
- Shelter that is designed, maintained, and operated to provide a physical environment that meets the animals’ needs
- Access to adequate water and high-quality feed to meet animal nutrition requirements
- Humane treatment of animals that ensures their well-being and complies with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements
- Identification and appropriate treatment of animals in need of care
- Timely use of humane methods to euthanize sick or injured animals not responding to care and treatment
Certified Humane Cage Free Chickens
Certified Humane Cage Free Chickens are raised on farms that meet and exceed all welfare requirements of Humane Farm Animal Care. Hens can move freely within the hen house, nest, perch, dust-bathe, and have unlimited access to food and fresh water during their production cycle. Each hen has a minimum of 1.5 square feet to move freely.
Free Range Organic Chickens
Free Range Organic Chickens are raised on farms that meet and exceed all welfare requirements of Midwest Organic Services Association and/or EcoCert, in accordance with the National Organic Progam. This includes natural sunlight; open, fresh-air ventilation; enrichments, such as bales of hay or straw; and access to outdoor areas that are typically at least half the size of the chicken house.
To encourage birds to go outside, we have multiple doors – situated approximately every 50 feet – running the length of the chicken house. Sunshades or awnings over each doorway also encourage birds to venture outdoors, as does outdoor water access. The outdoor space is a mixture of earthen areas, allowing the birds to forage and take dust baths.
Pasture-Raised Organic Chickens
Pasture-Raised Organic Chickens are raised on farms that meet and exceed all welfare requirements of USDA Organic Certifier, EcoCert. The hens live outdoors year-round, with mobile or fixed housing where the hens can go inside at night to protect themselves from predators, or for up to two weeks out of the year from inclement weather.
To encourage hens to live outside, we have multiple coops – situated approximately every 50 feet – running the length of the pasture. The outdoor space is a mixture of earthen areas, allowing the birds to forage and take dust baths. Shading such as shrubs and trees provides the hens additional shelter. Each hen possesses a minimum of 108 square feet to forage.
Adherence to the principles of this policy is a responsibility and requirement of those who interact with animals that are owned or processed by Pearl Valley Farms1 divisions. Willful neglect or abuse of animals will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination. Offenders may also be subject to criminal prosecution under applicable laws.
1 As used in this policy, the term “Pearl Valley Farm” means Pearl Valley Farms, Inc.,